Privacy policy
This Data Privacy Policy (hereinafter - the Privacy Policy) applies to all personal data that you provide to us or that we collect and process by visiting the website of National Museum of Lithuania (hereinafter - the Museum) and by purchasing the services provided by the Museum on the website
Personal data – any information that is directly or indirectly related to you, as a Visitor of National Museum of Lithuania. 
Museum Visitor (hereinafter – the Visitor) – it is a person who seeks to purchase the services of National Museum of Lithuania and whose Personal data the National Musuem of Lithuania receives and uses.   
The Museum collects, processes and stores all personal data of the Visitors in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter - GDPR), the Law on Legal Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Lithuania and other laws regulating personal data protection and museum activities and services, and does not transfer them to any to third parties, unless required to do so by law, regulation or regulation, or if it is necessary to provide the Museum's services, or if the Visitor expressly consents to the transfer of his or her personal data.
The Museum respects your privacy and protects your personal information that you provide to us and we collect it in accordance with this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy explains why we collect your personal information and how we use it.
e-Ticket sales
E-tickets to National museum of Lituania and its‘ exposition locations in Vilnius: The New and Old Arsenals, Gediminas Castle Tower, The Bastion of the Vilnius Defensive Wall, Kazys Varnelis House-Museum, The House of Signatories, exhibition space „House of Histories“, and exposition locations in other citys of Lithuania: Vincas Kudirka Museum, Jonas Basanavicius Birthplace, The Palanga Burgomaster Jonas Sliupas Museum can be purchesed at the Museum‘s ticket offices and on the Museum website at:
When buying e-tickets on the website the Museum ollects the following personal data of you: your name, surname, e-mail address, telephone number, country.
Your purchase will be subject to the Paysera Tickets Privacy Policy, which can be found at
When purchasing a ticket, the visitor ensures that the data provided is correct, accurate and complete. When changing or filling in data about himself, the visitor must provide only correct data. 
Cookies Policy
Cookies are used to ensure high-quality and fast browsing of our website. Cookies are text files that contain a small amount of information sent to your browser and stored on your computer, mobile phone or another device when you visit a website. Every time you visit the same website, cookies send information to that website again. With the help of cookies, Your data is collected on the basis of consent, except for strictly mandatory cookies.
What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files sent to your browser and stored on your PC, mobile phone or another device when you visit a website. Every time you visit the same website, cookies resend information to this website.
 Are cookies mandatory?
Cookies are not mandatory, except for strictly mandatory cookies. However, should you refuse to use our cookies, we will not be able to ensure a smooth and convenient use of the Website. In all cases, we collect personal information using cookies with your consent, except for those data that we collect using strictly mandatory cookies.
What type of cookies do we use?
Strictly mandatory cookies 
These cookies are necessary for you to be able to browse the Website, to use the Website and its features.
Functional cookies
Functional cookies record information on your choices and allow you to customize the use of the Website according to your needs. The Museum uses functional cookies to memorize your language, country or other browser settings and to provide personalized or enhanced features of your choice so that you do not have to reenter this information next time you visit the Website. For example, the Museum can also track your browser preferences in order to properly display the Website on your screen. If you delete functional cookies, all selections or your chosen settings will not be saved at the time of subsequent visits.
Statistical data / performance-enhancing cookies
The Museum uses this cookies to collect information on the visitors’ use of our Website. These statistical data provide us with information on the frequency of use of the Website, the time spent on the Website or the frequency of use of the Website’s functions. This allows us to improve the structure of the Website and to make browsing of the Website more user-friendly. The Museum can monitor if errors are encountered and determine which parts of the Website need adjustments.
 Advertising cookies
These cookies are used to evaluate the presentation and effectiveness of advertising campaigns and to limit the amount of advertising you receive. Third-party adverts, ad networks, data exchanges, market analysis and other service providers can record third-party targeted advertising cookies on your device.
Specific cookies that we use
Strictly mandatory cookies
Session-ID – creates a ticket purchase session, which starts when the user moves to the third purchase step and ends in 15 minutes or when the user closes the browser window. 
Google Analytics ir Google Tag Manager
Websites also contain certain components transmitted by Google Analytics – the web traffic analysis service provided by Google Inc. These are third-party cookies that are collected and processed anonymously in order to monitor and improve the performance of the home site (performance-enhancing cookie). Google Analytics uses cookies to collect and analyze anonymous information about actions of site users. This information is collected by Google Analytics, which processes it with the aim to generate reports to site owners about the activity on the site. For more information, visit: ir
You may disable the use of Google Analytics in your browser at your own discretion by choosing Google’s opt-out add-on. In order to disable Google Analytics, click this link
What information is collected using cookies?
We want to emphasize that no personal data identifying you are collected, and any collected information is used solely for traffic analysis purposes. We collect the following information using cookies:
• Total number of visitors;
• Time which visitors spend on the Website;
• The number of pages viewed by visitors / number per session;
• The ratio of new to returning visitors;
• The browser used to visit the Website, its version and language;
• The location from which the Website was accessed;
• Device used to view the Website (stationary PC, table or mobile phone);
• Method used to access the Website (having entered the web address in the browser directly, via search engines (Google, Bing, etc.), social networks (Facebook, etc.) or other links.
How to manage cookies?
You can manage and / or delete cookies at your own discretion. You can delete all cookies saved on your PC, and you can choose not to save cookies in most browsers. Remember that by disabling cookies, you may lose the ability to access many features that are also necessary for the functioning of websites. For more information about cookies, visit, which provides more detailed and independent information on how to disable cookies under the browser’s settings and how to delete cookies that already are in your PC. To delete cookies from your mobile phone, see your phone’s user manual.
Consequences of non – submission
You have the right to refuse to provide your personal data, but the provision of your personal data is necessary for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy, so if you do not provide your personal data, the Museum may fail to meet the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to provide your details in the case of e-ticket sales, you will not be able to purchase an e.ticket online. 
Data protection
We apply the security and processing requirements set out in the Law on the Legal Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Lithuania and the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union to data processing.
The Museum shall take appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the protection of all personal data processed against accidental or unlawful destruction or accidental loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access, and against all other forms of unlawful processing.
Contact information
In order to use your rights in relation to your personal data or in case of questions regarding this Privacy Policy, you can contact the following contacts in a convenient way:
National Museum of Lithuania
Legal entity code 190756849
Vilnius city Municipality. Vilnius city Arsenalo srt. 1
Phone number. +370 (5) 212 00 22
E-mail address [email protected]
Validity and amendments
This Privacy Policy is effective April 12, 2021. If we change this Privacy Policy, we will publish an updated version on its website Changes and/or additions to the Privacy Policy shall take effect after their publication on the Website.
We use cookies to enhance your browsing experience and analyse our traffic. By clicking AGREE or continuing browsing, you agree to our cookie policy. Find out more here.